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Suspect Seasonal Allergies? Visit an ENT

I never had allergies as a child, but when I was in my mid 20s, I thought I developed seasonal allergies. I felt like I had a severely stuffed up nose one fall that OTC allergies medications only helped a little. However, when the stuffed up nose persisted all winter, I realized I may have a bigger problem and visited an ENT. It turned out that I had been getting repeated sinus infections and never knew it! Thankfully, a round of antibiotics cleared it up and I wish I had sought treatment long ago. I have since become fascinated by disorders affecting the Ears, Nose, and Throat, so I decided to start a blog all about what I have learned about them. I plan to post many tips about sinus health. However, remember never to self-diagnose and visit an ENT when you develop new sinus problems!




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Suspect Seasonal Allergies? Visit an ENT

2 Early Clues That Can Tell You If Your Child Has A Hearing Problem

by Jeremiah Shelton

If your child is still very young, it can be difficult to tell if they have issues with their senses. Unfortunately, many parents do not find out that their child is hard of hearing until they are much older.

However, some early clues can tell you if your child has a hearing problem. Here are a few things to look for.

Your Child Doesn't Respond to Sounds Normally

If your child has a hearing problem, you might notice a few abnormalities in how they respond to sound. For example, hearing children will usually turn their heads or bodies when they hear a loud noise. They might also cry if they're startled by a sudden, loud noise.

On the other hand, a child who is hard of hearing might not react at all to sudden noises. They seem to be completely oblivious to their surroundings, even when you call their name. The child might not even turn their head when you enter the room.

While these signs might seem subtle, they can be early clues that your child has a hearing problem. If you notice any of these signs, see a hearing specialist as soon as possible. They will probably ask you how your child responds to different sounds before they perform a hearing test. This will help determine how severe the hearing loss is and what kind of hearing aid will be best.

Usually, the type of hearing aid they get will depend on how well they can hear high-pitched or low-pitched sounds. The ENT specialist might suggest a design that will fit snugly in their ear or one that goes over their ear. It all depends on what type of hearing aid you feel will work best for your child.

Delays in Speech Development

If your child is not meeting speech milestones, this could be another early clue that they have hearing problems. Hearing is essential for speech development. If a child cannot hear, they will not be able to learn how to make the correct sounds. They can't mimic the sounds they need to make to form words and sentences. This can lead to a delay in speech development.

Oftentimes, parents don't realize their child has hearing problems because they think the speech delay is just a phase. However, if your child is still not making sounds by the time they're 18 months old, this is definitely a cause for concern.

There are a few other things that can cause delays in speech development, but hearing loss is one of the most common. Usually, this symptom goes hand in hand with the first one. If your child is not responding to sounds, they are also likely to have a delay in speech development.

A hearing specialist can help determine if hearing loss is the cause of the speech delay. If it is, they will work with you to find a hearing aid for your child.
