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Suspect Seasonal Allergies? Visit an ENT

I never had allergies as a child, but when I was in my mid 20s, I thought I developed seasonal allergies. I felt like I had a severely stuffed up nose one fall that OTC allergies medications only helped a little. However, when the stuffed up nose persisted all winter, I realized I may have a bigger problem and visited an ENT. It turned out that I had been getting repeated sinus infections and never knew it! Thankfully, a round of antibiotics cleared it up and I wish I had sought treatment long ago. I have since become fascinated by disorders affecting the Ears, Nose, and Throat, so I decided to start a blog all about what I have learned about them. I plan to post many tips about sinus health. However, remember never to self-diagnose and visit an ENT when you develop new sinus problems!




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Suspect Seasonal Allergies? Visit an ENT

3 Things To Do Daily If You Have Hearing Aids

by Jeremiah Shelton

If you have hearing aids, then using them every day probably makes a big difference in your life. Taking care of modern hearing aids is generally considered to be pretty easy, but there are a few steps that you should be taking on a regular basis. These are some of the things that you may want to do on a daily basis if you would like to maximize the use of your hearing aids.

1. Wipe Them Clean

First of all, if you want to ensure that your hearing aids are not blocked by any debris or earwax, and if you want to ensure that your ears stay nice and clean, it's a good idea to wipe your hearing aids down on a daily basis. Luckily, this can be done quickly and easily.

To avoid causing damage to your hearing aid, make sure that you use a clean, dry cloth. A microfiber cloth is good for wiping down your hearing aid, or you can ask your audiologist for a recommendation about the best type of cloth to use. He or she can also teach you about how to do a more thorough cleaning of your hearing aids without doing any damage.

2. Check Them for Issues

Additionally, you will probably want to give your hearing aid a quick test each day to see if there are any issues. This can help you ensure that you are able to get the best performance out of your hearing aids throughout the day. You can use a listening tube to make sure that your hearing aids are working properly and that you are able to hear from them as well as possible.

Also, take notice of any whistling sounds or other signs of feedback. If you notice these sounds, you may need to see your audiologist to have your ear molds adjusted, or there could be a buildup of wax in your ears. This is also a good time to check your batteries to make sure that they are strong; if they aren't, you might not get the same level of performance from your hearing aids, so it might be time to swap them out.

3. Store Them Properly at Night

To prevent damage to your hearing aids and to prevent soreness in and around your ears, you're going to want to remove your hearing aids each night. When doing so, don't just leave them on your bedside table where they could be prone to getting dirty or becoming damaged. Instead, put them in a drying container that is made specifically for hearing aids; if you don't already have a container, your audiologist should be able to suggest a good one for you. Then, you can both store your hearing aids properly while you're sleeping and get rid of any excess moisture that could damage them or affect their performance.

For more information and tips, talk with your audiologist or visit websites like http://www.drmarkmontgomery.com.
